The Consumer Protection Commission (CPC is a statutory body created through an Act of Parliament, the Consumer Protection Act, (Chapter 14:44). The Commission operate as an implementation arm of the Act enacted to protect the consumer of goods and services by ensuring a fair, efficient, sustainable and transparent market place for consumers and business

To protect consumers from unconscionable, unreasonable, unjust or otherwise improper trade practices; as well as deceptive, misleading, unfair or fraudulent conduct; conduct conciliation and arbitration between parties, conduct education and awareness, investigate and evaluate alleged prohibited conduct and offences, and to ensure that prohibited conduct and offences are prevented, detected and prosecuted

The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ) is a registered Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) and previously spearheaded the awareness campaigns on consumer rights among other things across the country. However, with the enactment of the new law that gave birth to the Consumer Protection Commission, the CCZ has now assumed a different role. It will soon be designated as a consumer protection organization with a specific mandate of conciliation and arbitration. CPC plays over-arching and cross- cutting role over a number of consumer related organizations which include sector regulators, consumer protection organizations and consumer advocacy groups

Unlike in the past, where moral suasion and goodwill was used to enforce the rights and settle consumer disputes, the enactment of the Consumer Protection Law makes it a punishable offence to violate consumer rights.


These are measures adopted for the protection of consumers from unscrupulous and unethical malpractices by the business and to provide them speed redressal of their grievances. These measures safeguard the well-being and interest of consumers through education, mobilization and representation.

This is an act by a business which occurs before, during or after the transaction, through concealment, false representation of fraudulent manipulation which induces a consumer to enter into a sales or lease transaction of any product or service


  1. a specific advantage of a consumer product exists when in fact it does not
  2. the seller or supplier has a sponsorship, approval or affiliation he does not have
  3. a consumer product or service has the sponsorship, approval, performance, characteristics, ingredients, accessories, uses or benefits it does not have
  4. a consumer product or service is of a particular standard, quality, grade, style, or model when in fact it is not
  5. a consumer product, is new, original or unused, when in fact, it is a deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, reclaimed or second – hand state reconditioned, reclaimed or second – hand state

This is an act by the business which occurs before, during or after the transaction, by taking advantage of the consumer’s physical or mental infirmity, ignorance, Illiteracy, lack of time or general conditions of the environment or surroundings, induces the consumer to enter into a sales or lease transaction grossly inimical to the interests of the consumer or grossly one- sided in favor of the business


The business took advantage of the inability of the consumer to reasonably protect his interest because of his inability to understand the language of an agreement, or similar factors


Yes, consumer protection is needed for a number of reasons. Some of these include:

  1. Consumers are often uniformed. They lack the knowledge of their rights and duties. They do not have effective means to differentiate between original and imitations or adulterated goods. Therefore, these innocent consumers are oblivious since they are not informed of the possible hazards that can arise
  2. Consumers are often exploited by service provider. Goods are often imitated, adulterated, spurious and defective. Weights and measures used by the retailers tend to be manipulated. Also, traders may unnecessarily hike prices. Hoarding and black marketing are rampant. Consumer Protection is hence needed to eliminate such untoward practices that exploit the consumer.
  3. Consumers are also not grouped together to serve a common goal. They are not organized and therefore, haphazardly placed with no association or party uniting them and integrating their purpose. Without consumer protection, there will be no platform for the consumers to voice their grievances and seek the path of justice through redressal

Consumer protection makes markets work for both businesses and consumers


Consumers need to be able to obtain accurate, unbiased information about products and services they purchase. This enables them to make the best choices based on their interests and prevents them from being mistreated or misled by businesses. Consumer protection policies, laws and regulations help increase consumer welfare by ensuring that businesses can be held accountable


Businesses that are known to treat consumers fairly will gain a good reputation and become more sought after. This increases their profitability and competitiveness which will also lead to economic growth in the long run. Consumer protection policies, laws and regulations guarantee that businesses are kept in check.

Economic growth and competitiveness

 Consumer protection contributes to dynamic and effective markets for businesses to grow. Consumer demand drives innovation and economic development as businesses are required to maintain fair prices and good quality of their products and services.


Regional Integration

 With the emergence of cross-border and digital trade, cooperation on consumer protection amongst jurisdiction becomes a necessity.

Consumers must be demand and exercise their rights. For example, consumers must select products according to their preferences, they must file a complaint if they are not satisfied with the quality of products or services they receive.


Consumers must be cautious. They should not blindly believe the words of businesses and service providers. We expect them to insist on getting full information on quality, quantity, utility, price and others. It is their right. The right to information and education.


Consumers at all levels must be quality-conscious. They should not compromise on the quality of the products and services. For example, as a guide, when purchasing the goods and services, consumers must look for quality certification marks. In the case of our country, always, always check on the Standards Association of Zimbabwe and other regional stamps.


Every purchase must be accompanied by a receipt. This is because to file a complaint the consumer needs the evidence or proof that consumer has paid for good or service.