Complaints Handling Procedure

Consumer Protection Commission > Complaints Handling Procedure
Handling of Consumer Complaints on Infringement of their rights
  1. Purpose
    To ensure that consumer complaints are handled professionally in line with the provisions of the Act.
  2. Responsibility
    All staff within Consumer Protection Commission should implement the procedure under the guidance of the Compliance and Investigations Manager.
  3. Procedure
    1. The Inspector / Compliance Officer / Investigations officer shall record all the reports received into the report received case book and immediately advise the Senior Compliance & Inspections Officer / Senior Investigations Officer details of same.
    2. Upon receipt of the details as in (i) above, The Senior Compliance & Inspections Office / Senior Investigations Officer shall direct the Compliance Officer or Inspector or Investigations Officer to inspect or investigate the case and produce a report within seven days.
    3. Upon receiving the report, the Senior Compliance & Inspections Officer or Senior Investigations Officer shall facilitate the conduct of mediation or conciliation process where necessary, or refer the report to the Compliance & Investigations Manager for same.
    4. If the Senior Compliance & Inspections Officer or Senior Investigations Officer is of the opinion that the complaint can be effectively dealt with by another regulating authority, s/he shall advise the Compliance & Investigations Manager to the effect that the case be referred accordingly in terms of the Act.
    5. The Senior Compliance & Inspections Officer or Senior Investigations Officer may also advise the Compliance and Investigations Manager that the case be referred to the court in order to deal with the alleged prohibited conduct.
    6. On the recommendation of the Senior Compliance & Inspections Officer or Senior Investigations Officer to the Compliance & Investigations Manager, the Commission may issue the complainant with a notice of non-referral in the prescribed form where the:
      1. case appears to be frivolous and vexatious; or
      2. facts alleged in the case do not constitute grounds for a remedy in terms of the Act; or
      3. the case has prescribed in terms of the Prescription Act [Chapter 8:11].
    7. All cases investigated, referred or dealt with in any other manner must be filed away in appropriate manner for record keeping.
    8. Feedback to the complainant in all cases must be given to the complainant in a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
    9. For the purposes of complaint time attendance and complaint finalisation period complaints will be categorised as follows

Category A – Serious
-monetary value from USD$1000 and above
– report to be attended within 24 hours
– report to be finalised within 60 days

Category B – Moderate
-monetary value from USD$100 to USD$999.00
-report to be attended within 48 hours
-report to be finalised within 30 days

Category C – Petty
-monetary value from USD$99.00 and below
-report to be attended within 72 hours
-report to be finalised within 30 days

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